Programmatically Adding Attributes and Attribute Sets (Example)

Programmatically Adding Attributes and Attribute Sets (Example) ======

Comprehensive error-checking has been omitted.

 * Create an atribute-set.
 * For reference, see Mage_Adminhtml_Catalog_Product_SetController::saveAction().
 * @return array|false
 function createAttributeSet($setName, $copyGroupsFromID = -1)

$setName = trim($setName);

$this->logInfo("Creating attribute-set with name [$setName].");

if($setName == '')
 $this->logError("Could not create attribute set with an empty name.");
 return false;

//>>>> Create an incomplete version of the desired set.

$model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute_set');

// Set the entity type.

$entityTypeID = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getTypeId();
 $this->logInfo("Using entity-type-ID ($entityTypeID).");


// We don't currently support groups, or more than one level. See
 // Mage_Adminhtml_Catalog_Product_SetController::saveAction().

$this->logInfo("Creating vanilla attribute-set with name [$setName].");


// We suspect that this isn't really necessary since we're just
 // initializing new sets with a name and nothing else, but we do
 // this for the purpose of completeness, and of prevention if we
 // should expand in the future.

// Create the record.

 catch(Exception $ex)
 $this->logError("Initial attribute-set with name [$setName] could not be saved: " . $ex->getMessage());
 return false;

if(($id = $model->getId()) == false)
 $this->logError("Could not get ID from new vanilla attribute-set with name [$setName].");
 return false;

$this->logInfo("Set ($id) created.");


//>>>> Load the new set with groups (mandatory).

// Attach the same groups from the given set-ID to the new set.
 if($copyGroupsFromID !== -1)
 $this->logInfo("Cloning group configuration from existing set with ID ($copyGroupsFromID).");


// Just add a default group.
 $this->logInfo("Creating default group [{$this->groupName}] for set.");

$modelGroup = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute_group');

// This is optional, and just a sorting index in the case of
 // multiple groups.
 // $modelGroup->setSortOrder(1);



// Save the final version of our set.

 catch(Exception $ex)
 $this->logError("Final attribute-set with name [$setName] could not be saved: " . $ex->getMessage());
 return false;

if(($groupID = $modelGroup->getId()) == false)
 $this->logError("Could not get ID from new group [$groupName].");
 return false;

$this->logInfo("Created attribute-set with ID ($id) and default-group with ID ($groupID).");

return array(
 'SetID' => $id,
 'GroupID' => $groupID,

 * Create an attribute.
 * For reference, see Mage_Adminhtml_Catalog_Product_AttributeController::saveAction().
 * @return int|false
 function createAttribute($labelText, $attributeCode, $values = -1, $productTypes = -1, $setInfo = -1)

$labelText = trim($labelText);
 $attributeCode = trim($attributeCode);

if($labelText == '' || $attributeCode == '')
 $this->logError("Can't import the attribute with an empty label or code. LABEL= [$labelText] CODE= [$attributeCode]");
 return false;

if($values === -1)
 $values = array();

if($productTypes === -1)
 $productTypes = array();

if($setInfo !== -1 && (isset($setInfo['SetID']) == false || isset($setInfo['GroupID']) == false))
 $this->logError("Please provide both the set-ID and the group-ID of the attribute-set if you'd like to subscribe to one.");
 return false;

$this->logInfo("Creating attribute [$labelText] with code [$attributeCode].");

//>>>> Build the data structure that will define the attribute. See
 // Mage_Adminhtml_Catalog_Product_AttributeController::saveAction().

$data = array(
 'is_global' => '0',
 'frontend_input' => 'text',
 'default_value_text' => '',
 'default_value_yesno' => '0',
 'default_value_date' => '',
 'default_value_textarea' => '',
 'is_unique' => '0',
 'is_required' => '0',
 'frontend_class' => '',
 'is_searchable' => '1',
 'is_visible_in_advanced_search' => '1',
 'is_comparable' => '1',
 'is_used_for_promo_rules' => '0',
 'is_html_allowed_on_front' => '1',
 'is_visible_on_front' => '0',
 'used_in_product_listing' => '0',
 'used_for_sort_by' => '0',
 'is_configurable' => '0',
 'is_filterable' => '0',
 'is_filterable_in_search' => '0',
 'backend_type' => 'varchar',
 'default_value' => '',

// Now, overlay the incoming values on to the defaults.
 foreach($values as $key => $newValue)
 if(isset($data[$key]) == false)
 $this->logError("Attribute feature [$key] is not valid.");
 return false;

 $data[$key] = $newValue;

// Valid product types: simple, grouped, configurable, virtual, bundle, downloadable, giftcard
 $data['apply_to'] = $productTypes;
 $data['attribute_code'] = $attributeCode;
 $data['frontend_label'] = array(
 0 => $labelText,
 1 => '',
 3 => '',
 2 => '',
 4 => '',


//>>>> Build the model.

$model = Mage::getModel('catalog/resource_eav_attribute');


if($setInfo !== -1)

$entityTypeID = Mage::getModel('eav/entity')->setType('catalog_product')->getTypeId();



// Save.

 catch(Exception $ex)
 $this->logError("Attribute [$labelText] could not be saved: " . $ex->getMessage());
 return false;

$id = $model->getId();

$this->logInfo("Attribute [$labelText] has been saved as ID ($id).");

return $id;

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